Bike Commuting Clinic Petaluma
04/23/2025 05:30 PM - 07:00 PM PT
- Free
Keller Street CoWork
140 Keller St
Petaluma, CA 94952
140 Keller St
Petaluma, CA 94952
Learn the basics of bike commuting, and bring your questions about gear, logistics and routes! Pledge to ride on Bike to Work Day, Thursday, May 15!
Are you interested in riding your bike to work, but not sure where to begin? Maybe you have some questions about your route, what kind of gear you need, or what to do if your office doesn't have a shower?
In advance of Bike to Work Day in May, SCBC welcomes you to our free bike commuting clinic. We will review some basics of bike commuting, and will have a few seasoned two-wheeled commuters on hand to share their experiences and best practices, and answer all of your questions.
Thank you to Keller Street CoWork for hosting this event.